17 Aug 2018 Java | Servlet Sending & Receiving JSON Using jQuery.ajax() A complete working Java project showing how to use jQuery to send and receive JSON in the frontend and how to receive and send JSON using a Java servlet running in the backend.
04 Aug 2018 Spring MVC Test Using MockMVC The Spring MVC Test framework provides first class support for testing Spring MVC code with JUnit, TestNG, or any other testing framework. The goal of Spring MVC Test is to provide an effective way for testing controllers by performing requests and generating responses through the actual DispatcherServlet.
22 Jul 2018 Gradle for Java Gradle tutorial for Java developers showing how to use Gradle to automate Java building tasks
20 Feb 2018 Spring MVC Excel View Resolver Spring MVC can render retrieved data into views of different format such as PDF, JSP or Excel. Spring framework view resolvers e.g. InternalResourceViewResolver, XmlViewResolver, ResourceBundleViewResolver and a few others enable you to render model into views. This post shows you how to render model into Excel view using XmlViewResolver.
29 May 2015 Android | TextInputLayout EditText , has a hint attribute that will show text inside the EditText telling the user what to enter in this text field. That hint text disappears due to the user inputting text. However, TextInputLayout , "a layout wrapping an EditText", shows hint as floating label when the hint is hidden due to the user inputting text. TextInputLayout is part of Design Support library.