Spring Global Exception Handling Using @ControllerAdvice Annotation

spring-exception-handling For several reasons, you may want a global solution to handle exceptions thrown by controllers across the whole application. Spring provides a mechanism that enables such functionality using @ControllerAdvice annotation.


  • We will build a simple Spring Boot application which includes three classes:


  • Controller.java : Simple controller responding to GET requests mapped to /ok & /exception.
  • ControllerAdvisor.java: A class annotated with @ControllerAdvice to handle exceptions.
  • App.java: Run the application


  • Spring Boot

Complete Maven dependencies is included in pom.xml

Spring MVC Controller

We will build a simple controller which has two services:

  • First service ok() returns OK
  • The second service exception() throws an Exception.


public class Controller {

	 public @ResponseBody String ok() throws Exception {
	  	return "OK";

	 public @ResponseBody String exception() throws Exception {
	  	throw new Exception("Error");
  • If we call /exception, “before implementing @ControllerAdvice” we will see following message


  • Also, notice that the HTTP status code is 500 Internal Server Error.


  • We can handle the previous exception using @ControllerAdvice by defining a new class annotated with this annotation.
  • Methods of this class can be annotated by @ExceptionHandler which defines a single or a list of exceptions types to be handled.
  • @ResponseStatus is used to override the response status code to be returned by annotated methods.
public class ControllerAdvisor {


	public @ResponseBody String generalException(final Exception exception,
			final HttpServletRequest request) {

		return exception.getMessage()+" while calling: "+request.getRequestURI();

  • Now, when calling the /exception service, @ControllerAdvice class will handle the thrown exception and will set the status code to 400 Bad Request.


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